...to all who mourn in Israel, he will give a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning. Isaiah 61:3

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sunday Funday

Today is Sunday.  We went to church this morning, just like we do every week.  We had a yummy roast cooking in the crock pot when we got home, making the house smell like Sundays from when I was little.  I loved coming home the house smelling like that.  After we ate, we made the couch into a bed and watched a movie.  

Now, Gavin knows I like to nap on Sunday afternoons.  He doesn't even wonder if this is going to happen. It's part of what we do.  When he asked if we could watch a movie, he wanted to know if we should do it before or after my nap.  You can judge me, but I don't feel guilty.  As I said, we made the couch into a bed, which thrilled him.  Here's the scene: the a/c is on super cold.  The ceiling fan is on.  Lights are out. Curtains drawn.  There's a blanket and pillows.  It seemed like the perfect opportunity to accomplish the movie AND the nap!  

He chose Gremlins as the movie to watch, and in between spurts of napping, what I saw had me reaching for the case to see what the movie was rated.  PG?  Really?  Are they sure?  I deemed the movie more or less harmless, but I didn't know they could say GD on the big screen in a PG movie.  

After the nap/movie, we headed outside for a water balloon fight.  Yes, just the two of us.  No, it isn't his birthday.  We were expecting rain today, but the sun was shining, so we capitalized.  After the water balloon fight (he won), we purchased selections from the ice-cream man, and then had an Easter egg hunt.  Which I guess in this case, was just an egg hunt.  At Easter, we didn't get to do the hunt, and just haven't found the time to do it since.  The only sad part was when he had to throw away all the Laffy Taffy.  He's had sealants put on his teeth in the time since Easter and Laffy Taffy isn't on the approved candy list.  Too sticky.

We had fun.  A lot of fun.  He's tentatively scheduled our next water balloon fight for tomorrow.    

So tonight I'm left wondering...how will the adventures of today translate for him when he's older?  Will it be a day that he remembers?  Will he look back and love today?  Or will it be a day he'll only remember if I tell him about it?  Will it be a good memory for him, or something that will only add to making him spoiled and insatiable when he's sixteen?  Will all he remember is that one time he hunted eggs and I made him throw away some of the candy?  

I have a friend who claims to think in colors.  Another who says they think in pictures.  Well, I think in stories.  And no matter what my circumstances are, I'm always dreaming up the happy ending to whatever story I'm in.  In this story, Gavin tells about today as an adult - maybe he uses it as a sermon illustration.  Maybe he writes about it in a book.  Maybe it's just a simple memory he shares with my grandchildren.  However the story goes, I hope Gavin remembers today, and even if he doesn't, I will.  

1 comment:

  1. That does sound like the perfect day! I think you'll be surprised what Gavin will remember as he gets older. I remember fun days like that from when I was little. I distinctly remember having a water fight in the yard with my family. Spraying water guns and using the hose. Then we came in the house and our mom surprised us by dumping an entire pitcher of water over our dad's head. It was awesome! She said she could do it because she was the mom and would clean up the mess. lol Gavin will remember this day!
