...to all who mourn in Israel, he will give a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning. Isaiah 61:3

Monday, May 23, 2011

The One About Breakfast

As Christians like to say, God has "perfect" timing.  I usually think about God's timing as it relates to things I want in my life, and trying to be patient while I wait on Him to deliver.  That's flawed, but I'm keeping it real.  Growing feels gross lately.

Today I was really struck by another example of God's timing.  I am on a reading plan to finish the Bible in a year.  Often, I will read a passage, and get to work and find its a passage the Pastor is using in the week's sermon.  Or I will hear a sermon and it will echo a new song I just heard.  Or my daily reading will be directly connected to our band devotion on the same day (this has happened several times).

Or, as was the case this morning, my Bible reading plan had me in the book of John reading about Jesus washing the feet of his disciples.

(A quick aside.  I love this story, and I never hear it without remembering a time when all my friends helped me move into a garage apartment.  Never in my life had I experienced such an outpouring of love and service.  My friends, they painted.  They cleaned.  They moved.  They bought me stuff.  They unpacked.  And I felt completely undeserving.  It was all I could do to keep my sunglasses on and try not to talk.  And then I have this moment in the yard with my pastor.  He asks if I'm ok, and I say something about how I really don't deserve all they were doing for me...and he starts with, "so there's this story in the Bible..."  And he talks about Jesus washing the feet of his disciples.  And how as Christians, sometimes we wash each others feet.  Sometimes we do the washing.  Sometimes we have to let others wash us.  That was four years ago.  I felt like I hardly knew those people then, but now they are my greatest friends.  My family, even.  I learned what it looks like to love others in Jesus' name, and I have definitely had my feet washed many times since.)

Back to this morning.  I finished my daily reading and picked up another book I'm working through, Scribbling in the Sand by Michael Card.  I begin, and yep.  You guessed it.  Servanthood, and Jesus washing the disciples feet.  Mental checkmark.  I'm listening.  You want me to hear something about servanthood.  Got it.

There was a beautiful dramatization of Jesus with the basin and the towel.  I read through it, then went back and read it again out loud (I was being artsy and dramatic, but it helped me connect with the story).

As I continued reading in the book, Card goes on discussing the many ways Jesus served his disciples, and concludes with John 21, and a section titled "The Lord of All Serves Breakfast."

Post resurrection, Peter, Thomas and others are out fishing...they caught nothing...ummhmm, reading...throw your nets over...ummhmm...reading, reading...lots of fish this time..."Now come and have some breakfast!"  

Wait.  What?  I always thought of this story as Jesus appearing to the disciples, performing another miracle with the fish...and that whole, "feed my sheep" thing with Peter there at the end.  I had to pull the Bible back out and read through the passage.  I have completely missed Peter literally clamoring out of the boat and splashing to the shore when he realizes Jesus is there.  And that when he gets there, Jesus has prepared them breakfast.  John 21:9 When they got there, they found breakfast waiting for them - fish cooking over a charcoal fire, and some bread.  Verse 13 - Then Jesus served them the bread and the fish.  

The disciples are tired and hungry.  Discouraged.  Brokenhearted.  And Jesus is there, making them breakfast.  You know that feeling you get when something good is coming true?  Relief and wonder and bliss and joy?  I understand Peter stumbling, crashing through the water to get to Jesus.  He must have been overwhelmed with those emotions.
"Though Jesus is the risen Lord of Glory, though he stands there with scars in his hands and feet and sides, he is there to fix breakfast.  He knows that they've been out all night, they haven't caught anything and they are hungry.  And so he is there, their Servant Savior.  He feeds them when they are hungry.  He washes their dirty feet when they are tired.  It is the shape of his life."
What a beautiful, servant-hearted Jesus.

Monday, May 9, 2011

The One About Mother's Day

I have days where I think I'm navigating this single mom thing pretty well.  I'll think I've taken care of everything.  That everything is cleaned up, paid up, washed up, put up and so on...and it's usually then that I realize - it's him, not me.  God has given me a great kid.  He makes me look good.

Our MD was spent napping (me), playing video games (him), riding bikes (us and the W's) and sticking close to home.  His idea of a perfect day.  I would have thrown in some shopping, but hey - it's not like it was my birthday.  MD is a close cousin to Valentine's Day in my book, but I still like it.

G got a cell phone last week.  He was so excited.  It is his reward for passing the TAKS test, although officially the grades haven't come in yet.  He was with his dad on Saturday, and he sent me a text at 6:57am, "You up yet?"  Man, I love that kid.

Here's my MD gifts:

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The One About An Update

Today was a good day.  I mean, really good.  I got the worship planning done, went to Dallas, did a lot of mobile working, got arrested for Kaufman County Crime Stoppers, got some more work done, got G$'s "I passed the TAKS test" cell phone ordered, made dinner, and now I'm in bed about to write a paper.

The a/c is going (gone) out in my car.  I'm praying it only needs freon.  Pity party.
I plunged G's toilet tonight for 20 minutes. 20.  Pity party.

The good news is, once I write my paper, the only thing left for the semester is to take a final on Thursday. I'll be off all summer from school.  Almost four months.  I am beside myself with giddiness.  Here's what our summer looks like:

1. VBS, first week of June.
2. WDW, third week of June.
3. Kids Camp, first week of July
4. G$'s bday, last week of July - GWL

G is getting a Kindle for his bday, and I am SO excited to give it to him.  I'm getting it early, so he can take it on our trip to WDW.  A very generous friend gave me a gift card to GWL, and that's how we're making that happen in July.

I'm really excited.  It looks like we're going to have a lot of fun.  I hope there's not too much planned.  I'm off on Mondays, and next Monday is my first one where I don't have class.  I have three Mondays all to myself before G is out for the summer.  I feel a little selfish, because I'm excited about those days.  I might just shop, go to movies, sleep, eat out...or maybe just stare at the wall.  But I'm excited.

I'm enrolled for two classes in the fall.  Statistics (have to have a math to graduate) and an Anthropology course - Society & Culture in Europe (that one just fit my schedule).  The stats class is on Wednesday nights, which means giving up acting in Kidstuf for a semester.  That's tough, because I love Kidstuf - but I have to have this class, and its the first time a math has been offered in the evening.  Its also going to be difficult to balance work, because the band rehearses on Wednesday nights.  So moving rehearsal to another night so I can be there kinda stinks for them.

Thanks for the comments on The One About OBL.  The convo with G went well.  I had to back up all the way to 9/11/2001, but he gets it now.  He's so tender-hearted...tonight he asked me to come in while he took a bath and tell him some more about it (he likes to hear the same things over and over) - but that's when I saw the toilet was clogged.  So we didn't talk anymore about it tonight.

I have a reading list for the summer...what should be on it?  Right now, all the books are ministry/work related.

And finally, a random thing I heard someone say to my Pastor today..."I know a lot about men's drawers."  A few questions.  Who calls them "drawers"?  And is knowing a lot about them something to brag about?  Is there really that much to know about - ahem - drawers?  How does one come by this information?  Of course, he took the comment unflinching, which made it all the more hysterical for me.

Monday, May 2, 2011

The One About OBL

Can I just be honest?  Last night as I sat watching Celebrity Apprentice, I was completely aggravated when a bar started running across the bottom of the screen that the President was going to interrupt programming.  Someone was about to get "fired" and I didn't want to wait to find out who.  

I don't watch the news (or really much tv at all) so it's a wonder I didn't turn the tv off and go to bed.  I was going to watch CA up to the point that the Pres came on.

When they finally interrupted and broke the news about the death of OBL, I just sat there. It's kind of a big deal, and I didn't really know what to do.  I immediately thought of Gav and how to explain it all to him.  I didn't feel excited, I actually shook a little.  I started wondering what my friends and family were thinking.  It was late, so I just prayed and went to bed.  

Today, I explained to my son for the second time what a terrorist is.  I watched him watching the news and as they showed different headlines from different papers, I watched his eyebrows shoot up, and he gasped when he read, "Rot In Hell." I was a little surprised myself.  I had to tell him we could unpack that tonight when we get home, but that as Christians, we do not wish an eternity in Hell on anyone.  I have no idea how to navigate this.