...to all who mourn in Israel, he will give a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning. Isaiah 61:3

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ten Things I Did Not Do Yesterday

Because, as you know, I like to make lists.

10. Wash my hair.

9. Take a shower.

8. Expect to admit 10 and especially 9 on the world-wide internet machine.

7. Eat well.  I said I was going to, but I didn't.  #Whataburger.

6. Get my eyebrows waxed.

5. Yell at my kid.

4. Pay attention in Bioethics.

3. Stop talking in British Lit.  (Yes, I am that girl.  I love talking about the books so much, I don't realize everyone is whipped until we have a break, and I hear someone say, "I hate this.")

2. Expect to hear from an old friend (which I did) or expect to hear back from another old friend (which I didn't).

1. Go to bed at a decent hour.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you talk all the time in British Lit! It's a good thing, trust me.

    ...I need to get my eyebrows waxed, too.
