The first sabbath didn't last a full 24 hours, but I feel really good about the day. I slept until 10:30, then spent the better part of the morning and afternoon alternately snoozing and reading. Some people are against tv on Sabbath, but I watched a lot of Expedition Wild too.
We added a song to the worship set late in the week, and I forgot to load up the chart and mp3 so I had to run up to the church and do that. Someone else needed something as well, which ended in me cleaning out a popcorn machine. But I realized the spirit in which these things were done felt joyful. That is so much better than feeling like it's "my" day and being resentful about how I spent the time God gave me.
I think Sabbath days will be different (very) when Gavin is here. It will be a huge blessing for us. He loves quality time.
Not sure how today could have gone any better. I could bring home my laptop in the future. Then what took 15 minutes would have only taken 1. I can think about it more in advance, plan for it. Baby steps.
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