...to all who mourn in Israel, he will give a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning. Isaiah 61:3

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The One About the Trip Home

Once we left Chicago, G and I were ready to be home.  We stopped in St. Louis to spend the night, and then we planned to drive home from there on Friday morning.  I thought we'd be home around 9pm.

Did I already mention the toothache I had on the previous Saturday when we were driving to Wisconsin?  This is important here...so my tooth started hurting.  A tooth that needs a crown that I keep putting off.  I didn't want to go to a dentist in Wisconsin, so I called my dentist back in TX and he called me in some antibiotics and...pain reliever.

Fast forward a week.

I had laid off the pain relievers, but I took the antibiotics faithfully every day.  Woke up Friday morning, took my two pills and we went down to breakfast.  Gav and I are sitting there eating, and I'm looking out the window...as I turn my head, I feel like it is turning in slow motion and I'm starting to feel like Beetle Juice.  (I haven't seen this movie in 20 years or more, but you know what I'm saying.  My head felt ridiculously out of proportion to the rest of my body).  I was seriously thinking what in the world is going on??  Is this what it feels like to have a stroke?  Do you know you're having an aneurysm when you have one?  Then I saw in my mind the two pills in my hand before I took them.  They were white.  They should have been green.  Ohmylife, I took TWO 500mg hydrocodone before we were about to make an 11 hour drive!  Ridiculous.  So we went back to our room and I laid down until check out time.  I let AW know about the ridiculousness, and she kept tabs on me all day as we made our way back.

I've been worn out...slept as much as I could yesterday and today, and finally starting to feel normal again.

I tweeted about this when I got home Friday night and @hydrocodonehelp started following me.  I blocked them.

Woke up Saturday morning (in my own bed!) and my eye was halfway swollen shut.  Weird.  No clue.  Looked like a bug bite.  It's better now.

Strange things happen to me.

We had a WONDERFUL trip seeing friends we ADORE.  Loved Chicago.  I will probably NEVER drive there again.

1 comment:

  1. ...and I will probably never ride in the car while you drive there again. Stupid IPad...I thought those things were supposed to be amazing!
